
Male torso printed as a cyanotype on a cut down map.

Censorship through obscurity

Playing with the idea of physical censorship, using elements within an image to hide specific parts. Two prints of a single pose, with one inverted, cut as otherwise identical jigsaws so the pieces can be swapped between them to scramble the original image.

Two-tone Ali

Two lines, each with 1500 corners, overlaid on one another to produce a plotted image of this male chest. Model posed remotely over Zoom.

Chest 1

One single line and 3000 corners. Once the blue Bic biro used to draw this first touches the page, it bounces around and isn’t lifted again until the picture has been completed. Model posed remotely over Zoom.


Using sine and cosine waves to plot the torso of a male model who posed remotely. Bic biro on heavy white paper.

Mufseen on the sea

Cyanotype print of Mufseen on an A3 section of an old map, which has been recycled specifically for the purpose. Created using the cyanotype process. The model posed remotely over Zoom.

Ulva cyanotype

Cyanotype print of a male model who posed over Zoom. The image is printed on an offcut map showing the Scottish island of Ulva.

Mosaic of lightbydan

Three-layer mosaic of flat tone squares based on a selfie by lightbydan. A3 size, using three large spreadsheets as raw data for the resulting SVG.


Two charcoal and chalk drawings of Emilie on coloured paper. The originals are A2 sized and the model posed in person.

Typed chest

A4 typed picture of a model’s chest. The model posed remotely over Zoom. This image was produced on an electric Nakajima typewriter.


This was my first ever typewriter portrait. It took around a month to type on a manual Imperial wide-format typewriter, with an A2 carriage and black ribbon.


A single line running from the top left to the bottom right to plot an image of a heavily tattooed model who posed remotely over Zoom.

Spiral plot of Phil

Plotted portrait of male model who posed remotely over Zoom. Plotted using fountain pen, employing two techniques:: a spiral and two zigzags to build up detail.

Seaton typed

A2 typed portrait of Seaton, a model who posed remotely from Australia using Shutter app. The picture was produced over the course of three weeks on an electric Olympia typewriter.

Anonymous model typed

A2 typed portrait of an anonymous model who posed remotely over Zoom. This was produced using the same wide format Olympia typewriter as was used for many other images on this site.

Phil typed

Typed portrait of a model who posed remotely from Arizona. Slightly smaller than A2, this took around a fortnight to produce on a vintage electric typewriter.


Plotted portrait. Six Bic biros on white A3 paper stock.


Abstract male nude plotted using Bic biros. A3 white paper.

Hockneyspool typed

An A3 portrait of a model who posed remotely over Zoom from Italy. This was produced using an electronic Olympia typewriter fitted with a brown ribbon.

Male torso, black ink

Male torso on white paper, plotted using a fountain pen. Model posed remotely over Zoom.