Two charcoal, chalk and pastel drawings of Anthony. Each is A2 and the poses were held for 10 and 25 minutes respectively.
Life drawing
Life drawing is my release. There’s no better way to spend an hour than with charcoal, pastels, pencil and chalk, a big piece of rough paper, and a life model. It’s a particularly mindful experience, and even if what you produce heads straight for the recycling bin (everyone has an off-day now and then) your time has been well spent.
These sketches aren’t necessarily my best or most accurate renderings of each model. But they are pictures I enjoyed producing.
Light and shadow
Charcoal and chalk portrait of a nude male model, from behind. Posed in person and drawn on toned A2 paper.
Three sketches of Raphael
Three sketches of Raphael. Each is A2. They are all primarily charcoal drawings, but for those with colour or white highlights I also used pastel and chalk.
Two charcoal and chalk drawings of Emilie on coloured paper. The originals are A2 sized and the model posed in person.
Standing at the bar
Nude male model standing at a bar, drawn using pencil and charcoal on toned paper. Original is A2.
Sleeping female nude
Pencil sketch of a female model on A2 paper. She’s lying down, propped on a pillow.
Standing female
Standing female model posing nude, sketched on toned paper using sanguine pencil. Original is A2.
Seated Jim
Sanguine sketch of nude male model, sitting on the floor with his leg extended. The other leg has tattooed bands. A2, toned paped.